Kick Ass Games - Free Flash Arcade

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Kick Ass Games - Free Flash Arcade

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  Random Games
Pump up your blobs using Z & X keys for Player 1 and O & P keys for Player 2.
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Capture The Flag
A...weird game. You don't even have to capture a flag. :/
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Get your stick to the end of the level
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Iso Infected
This is a very challenging 3D game where you have to control a metallic ball and roll it throughout
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Guide the bird around, eating the plants falling from the sky. Avoid being hit by them, as you try t
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Crazy Ball
Bounce that ball around and get those stars.
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Boat Race
Race your boat around the ocean as fast as you can, steering yourself around the buoys and helping a
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Quiant Room
Escape from Quiant Room this time in this game that is similar by concept to Crimson Room. Decipher
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3D Space Skimmer
Fly around through space but avoid the asteroids and alien ships that shoot at youm
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Play classic hang man or roulette style where the hangman uses a gun.
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BV Ball
Volleyball type game hit the ball and bounce it over the net.
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Blue Midget Stalker
Walk down the streets in your giant robot, shooting down soldiers, tanks, helicopters and avoiding c
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Spec Ops
A great shoot 'em up game. Choose from 1 of 3 guns and cause mayhem!
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GMax SkateBoarding
Skateboard up the half pipe do some crazy tricks and score points to beat the competition.
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Club Tennis
Click on the ball as it comes toward you defeat the girl and get a bonus.
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The Mile High Club
This is a vertical mini golf game. Similar to Pandaf Golf, you have to adjust the power and directio
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4x4 Rally
Drive around the circuits in your 4x4 off roader. Customise the look of your car, by way of editing
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Universe 2: Andromeda
Fight out against other space craft upgrade your ship weaponry armor and more.
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Defend against the spiders by snapping at them with your crab claws.
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Lord of the Rings
Battle with characters from the film in this great, Final Fantasy type game.
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Target Practice with your gun, have fun!
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Gunman Shooter 2
Shoot down the stick men with your sniper rifle as they pop out of their crates.
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American Football
1...2...3...HUT! Throw the ball to your chums in Rugby for cissies.
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Snow Plow
Race around the streets of Boston as you collect all the presents and sweep the city's streets clean
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  Latest Games
Pearl Diver
  Pearl DiverAction / Adventure     

Dive for pearls and treasure under the sea around the island, but make sure you don't run out of ox

Outer Space Escape
  Outer Space EscapeAction / Adventure     

Navigate your shuttle safely through the danger of outer space in this great game, Outer Space Esca

Master Checkers
  Master CheckersAction / Adventure     

This is another awesome checkers game. Play against the computer this time as you battle to become t

Power Play
  Power PlaySports     

Take aim and shoot in Power Play! Try not to get beaten up, though! Ice Hockey at it's finest.

Puzzle Land
  Puzzle LandPuzzle     

A slightly modified version of Hapland, where timing is essential, while you click the random object

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